Implants or Dentures: What Is Best For Me?

Implants or Dentures: What Is Best For Me?

Posted by DENTIST OF MIAMI & ORTHODONTICS on Mar 17 2022, 02:41 AM

Implants or Dentures: What Is Best For Me?

Tooth loss, generally a common problem nowadays, is the root cause of many other issues besides just losing teeth. It has a lasting effect on our dental health and self-esteem. Even though you might not be aware, it can affect how you speak, your ability to eat or chew, your facial appearance, and the gumline shift can change the jaw's structure.


Dental implants are more of a resilient solution. Here, missing teeth are replaced by implants made from titanium. They are suitable for the human body as they are placed permanently on the bone socket and jaw. It creates a direct structural and functional connection between implants and the jawbone. 

An anchor is also designed, which is used to hold the artificial tooth. Implants are similar to a natural tooth, and they can alter the structure of your jaw and give your face its proper frame.

Advantages of  Implants

  • It is secure, so you don't have to worry about the movement of the implants
  • Low maintenance and permanent solution
  • They look and feel like natural teeth.
  • It can protect the bone from bone and gum deterioration

Disadvantages of Implants

  • It's costly
  • It's a surgical procedure, and sometimes, the patient would need bone grafts as a prerequisite.


Dentures are traditionally removable false teeth bonded to your gum with sealants. If you have a few or more missing teeth, you can go for a partial denture that comes in both removable or fixed. A metal clasp supports the removable denture, and natural teeth support the fixed partial dentures. It's easy to fix dentures into the mouth once the dentures are set.

Advantages of Dentures

  • It is not overly expensive and is a simple procedure.
  • It's helpful for those who have weaker gums and cannot have implants placed

Disadvantages of Dentures

The bond is less secure, so there might be some movement or slippage.

The patient might have trouble while eating and speaking

Discomfort, sores, and irritation

Regular replacement is required as recommended by the dentist

It does not protect the bone

It can result in bone collapse and even a facial cave-in.


Getting dental implants or dentures depends on the condition of your jaw, oral health, medical history, and goals. So if you are looking for a consultation to get a denture or implants, visit Dentist of Miami & Orthodontics at 15790 SW 56th St, Miami, FL 33185.  You can email us at or call us at (305) 290-4999 for appointments.


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