Get A Bright Smile With Dental Veneers

Get A Bright Smile With Dental Veneers

Posted by DENTIST OF MIAMI & ORTHODONTICS on Feb 24 2021, 05:11 AM

Get A Bright Smile With Dental Veneers

We understand how conscious people can be about their smiles. Many people associate a perfect and pleasing smile as a well-maintained cultural trait. To seek a radiant smile hence becomes one of the primary goals of people. 

Getting veneers might be the golden gateway for that Hollywood smile!

Veneers are thin sheets to cover broken, crooked, dull, and ill-sized teeth. They are customized according to your needs, hence fit your teeth perfectly. Veneers are best to enhance the overall appearance of your smile. 

Scope of Veneers

Veneers are the easiest way to hide the minor flaws of your otherwise perfect smile. They help boost your confidence in public gatherings. 

You can also use them to fill a gap between two teeth.


It is an easy-peasy job. You just need to fix an appointment with your trusted dentist, and they will guide you in no time. 

Normally, to get dental veneers, you require to visit the dentist thrice. Keep reading to know about this more.

Options you get

Everybody likes options, don't you? Well, you can opt for any two of the following options:

  1. Composite
  2. Porcelain

Composite veneers

These are easy to get veneers. They require a single visit and are prepared in front of you in no time. These veneers are the most sought-after anterior cosmetic. The best part of composite veneers is that you require no anesthesia, no dizziness; you are ready to go just after the procedure!

Porcelain veneers

The purpose of Porcelain veneers is quite similar to composite veneers. However, unlike composite, these require at least two dental visits: one to prepare the tooth and take the impression that it will serve to make the veneer in the lab; and a second to cement the veneer onto the tooth.

When to opt for Veneers

Discoloration of teeth:

As mentioned before, you can opt for veneers if you have dull and discolored teeth. But when can that happen? The following reasons might cause discoloration of teeth:

  • Sometimes root canal treatment can have rare side effects which cause discoloration of teeth.
  • If you consume beverages such as coffee and other food items that leave a stain on the teeth, then you might need to get veneers. 
  • People who indulge in drugs might also face discoloration of teeth.
  • If you consume excessive fluoride, whether in diet or through over-the-counter products, the natural teeth color might become dull. 
  • Large resin fillings might also diminish your teeth' color. 

To hide broken teeth:

There can be various reasons behind it too, such as:

  • Teeth that are chipped or damaged in an accident can be covered using veneers.
  • Teeth that are misaligned, uneven, or irregularly shaped (for example, have craters or bulges in them) can be repaired to improve your look.
  • Teeth with gaps between them, i.e., irregular spacing, can also hamper your overall look and hence can be touched up using veneers. 

Now, we hope you know everything about veneers; they last for years if maintained properly. Choose an appropriate one to get a radiant and flourishing smile!

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